
The AuthenticUS Team

Photo of Marshall Snider with his Dog

Marshall Snider

Principal Life & Leadership Architect

My vision is to focus my vast leadership and community development expertise on key community institutions – such as business, education, and nonprofits.

These institutions collectively represent the highest concentration of a community’s citizens and are where thousands of people commit their time, passion, and potential.

When these institutions’ leaders are empowered, equipped, and inspired to lead authentically, they will lead from their strengths and create cultures where individuals and communities can thrive.

Leslie Snider posing in a natural archway

Lesley Snider

Transformation Coach

I’ve been a “She-E-O” in a male-dominated world for 2 decades, and I believe that showing up as your most authentic self is always the best way to contribute.

Leaders who live fully alive give permission for others to do the same, with a far-reaching impact on compassion, self-awareness, and empowerment throughout their team.

By remembering to have fun, be playful, and remain curious, we can encourage greater autonomy, more consistent productivity and a higher sense of work-life value, creating a culture where everybody wins.

Our Mission

“To encourage, equip, inspire, and model fully alive living and leadership in groups, organizations, and individuals.”

Our Core Values

We hold these values close to our hearts, and are committed to our continued practice and growth in each of them.


We commit to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of our lives and for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. We are committed to supporting others to take full responsibility for their lives.


We are committed to practicing a generosity that makes others say WOW! This generosity encompasses our time, treasure and talent.


Optimal living is the best living! We are committed to living our optimal lives and helping others discover their best selves.

Transformational Leadership

We lead from the future and act in the now. We seek growth and embrace obstacles as the way. We connect authentically and cultivate trust. We awaken potential and help others to transform masterfully. We deliver extraordinary results and we serve to better mankind.

Tap into the expertise of our dedicated team and see the power of radical change in your life.

Set up a no-obligation consultation call for your development needs.

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