

A training program for groups & organizations

The vision for AuthenticUS is to assist groups and organizations with personal and professional development strategies for leaders, managers, and their teams. This will be accomplished through customized creative and interactive training development initiatives.

We believe in your people.

Many groups and organizations have a desire to develop their people, but do not have the time or know how when it comes to the implementation of an effective strategy.

 “An alarming 86 percent of respondents to the latest World Economic Forum survey think there is a leadership crisis in the world today, and most companies are seriously worried about their leadership bench strength.”

James Kouzes, Author of Learning Leadership

This is an alarming statistic and should be addressed by effective development strategies.

AuthenticUS Organizational Leadership Development believes that by
investing in the current leadership and management team companies can
experience a stronger and more engaged team, a more effective culture which can have impact on the sustainability and profitability of businesses.

Marshall Snider presenting on leadership to a small group of colleagues.

Training Programs

Organizational & Leadership Consulting

The needs of organizations can be very different and complex. AuthenticUS provides a consulting and solution system for most of the needs that companies may have.

Our 4 D’s system of Discover, Design, Decide and Deploy assists in creating a customized and effective solution that insure the best outcomes.

Business leaders meet with the AuthenticUS team to determine what is needed and the team goes to work designing three options based on the needs, budget and direction the leadership desires to go.

Individual & Group Development

People do not leave organizations the leave leaders. They may not be able to communicate this well but it is the truth. Unaware leaders do not understand the impact they are having on their companies. Many leaders have the technical skills but do not have the people skills to lead a team to effective success. 

AuthenticUS can come alongside leaders on an individual and group level to help them develop the “soft skills” to effectively lead their teams and organizations.

EEI Encounter (Encourage, Equip, Inspire)

The EEI Encounter is a full day (or two half-day) experience that will bring the whole organization together (or whomever the leadership wants to attend) for a highly interactive and effective training. It’s a big picture look at the quarter’s thematic leadership goal, facilitated by your Life and Leadership Architect.

This training will be set up, usually in the middle of the quarter, to deepen the learning and begin the preparation for the next theme.

*We recommend in-person encounters, but can arrange for a virtual EEI Encounter depending on your specific organization’s circumstances and financial position.


Development Themes

Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman writes in HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence, “the main EI skills are: Self-awareness self – regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.” These skills are crucial for the success of not just the employees but the leaders as well.

Transformational Leadership

In contrast to transactional leadership, which is about the exchange between leaders and followers, think of a politician and their supporters as an example. Peter Northhouse defines transformational leadership, “is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower.”

Team Development

Teamwork is an essential element of leadership development in groups and organizations. Many leaders do not have strong mental models of teamwork and therefore implement internal self – created models that can be ineffective. In the EEI Encounter, leaders and managers will be given proven mental models such as the Hill Model for Team Leadership. Northouse writes, “the model is designed to simplify and clarify the complex nature of team leadership and to provide an easy tool to aid leadership decision making for team leaders and members alike.”


Kimberly Davis, in her book Brave Leadership uses often quoted Bill George’s definition of authenticity, “His description of authenticity is “genuine, worthy of trust, reliable, and believable.” Through the use of assessments such as the DISC assessment and other self-reflection exercises, the EEI Encounter will start the leader on a path toward a stronger self – awareness, and authenticity.

And More...

Today’s businesses have many areas of leadership development that need attention. These themes are just a sample of the many themes and topics that can be used in the corporate setting.

Some of the other topic options leaders can choose from are:

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Creating Coaching Leaders
  • Developing a Healthy Culture
  • Resilience
  • Diversity
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Creating Great Meetings
  • Good to Great Disciplines
  • Purpose and Mission Statement Development
  • Core Values Clarification
  • The Blindspot of Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Team Development
  • Leadership Awareness
    … and over 160 other topics to create lasting change in your business or organization.

Ready to become a change agent in your organization or business?

Set up a no-obligation consultation call for your development needs.

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